Category Archives: Hallmark Predictions

What Will the Keepsakes 50th Anniversary Bring?

Star Trek: Mission Chicago begins in less than a month (April 8-10) and with it the likely announcement of the 2022 Trek line and possibly even 2023 previews. Hallmark traditionally has reserved their next year’s Star Trek line for San Diego Comic-Con in July but the past two years were scrapped due to COVID-19. Now, with things returning to ”normal” and the addition of Star Trek: Mission Chicago into the convention lineup, there is a chance we will return to traditional previews.

So, what can we expect in 2023? There are five Star Trek series currently streaming new content and with the absence of the Star Trek Storytellers series in ’22 the shelves will be wide open to new ideas. Prodigy’s Protostar, Lower Decks’ Cerritos, Strange New Worlds’ Enterprise and Picard’s Stargazer are just some of the ships that are likely in the coming years and there is a whole host of characters that are worthy of representation.

2023 will be the 50th anniversary of the Hallmark Keepsake line and with it the possibility that Hallmark reissues or reimagines some classic ornaments from the past five decades. If this is Hallmark’s approach, Star Trek would surely be one of the pop brands revisited and it’s just a matter of which past Trek ornament Hallmark would honor.

The obvious choice would be the U.S.S. Enterprise ornament that debuted the line in 1991, complete with red and green lights around the saucer, but I would argue for the more famous 1992 Galileo Shuttlecraft complete with Spock’s Christmas message.

This idea is only speculation (and likely just wishful thinking) but if we were to ever get a revisit to a past ornament, and possibly the Galileo, wouldn’t Hallmark Keepsake’s 50th anniversary be the perfect time?


In 1973, when Hallmark introduced six glass ball ornaments and 12 yarn figures as the first collection of Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments, a new tradition of Christmas decorating was started and a new collectible industry was born. When the first line was introduced, they were unique in design, year-dated and available only for a limited time – innovations in the world of ornaments. Since 1973, Hallmark has introduced more than 8,000 different Keepsakes Ornaments and more than 100 ornament series, groups of ornaments that share a specific theme.

The finished Keepsake Ornaments reflect the way styles, materials, formats and technology have expanded since the first ones appeared in Hallmark stores in 1973. Once a collection of decorated glass balls and yarn figures, Keepsake Ornaments now are made in a wide array of wood, acrylic, porcelain, blown glass, metal and handcrafted formats.


77 Missing Star Trek Character Ornaments Ranked

Hallmark has overlooked some very important Star Trek characters from past series along with a huge cast of characters from the many Star Trek series currently airing. This is a list ranking those ornaments from most coveted to those we could do without. The list considers there five factors to help determine ranking:

  • Significance: How big of an impact did they make in the Trek universe?
  • Relevance: Is the series currently in production?
  • Popularity: What does their character mean to the average Trek fan?
  • Visual interest: Aliens > Humans.
  • Rank: Pips matter.
  1. Christopher Pike (DIS/SNW): So much onscreen presence AND Trek universe importance.
  2. Number One/Una Chin-Riley (DIS/SNW): “I am the very model of a modern Major-General” sound chip, please.
  3. Beckett Mariner (LOW): The core four of Lower Decks should come out as a four pack. Would work well as enamel two dimensional ornaments in the Hallmark branded line.
  4. ^^^^^Brad Boimler (LOW):
  5. ^^^^^D’Vana Tendi (LOW):
  6. ^^^^^Sam Rutherford (LOW):
  7. Quark (DS9): Unfortunately, only available as a Star Trek: The Experience ornament.
  8. Odo (DS9): How did this never happen? I suppose I can pretend he morphed into a chair ornament.
  9. Neelix (VOY): Another Star Trek: The Experience ornament that Hallmark never took on.
  10. Phlox (ENT): Phlox was a poor man’s Neelix, who was a poor man’s Odo, who was a poor man’s Data who was a poor man’s Spock but I still want him in ornament form.
  11. Sylvia Tilly (DIS): A series and franchise favorite.
  12. Dal (PRO): The Prodigy cast should be released as a set. If they were to release just one a year their biggest audience will likely age out.
  13. ^^^^^Gwyn (PRO):
  14. ^^^^^Rok-Tahk (PRO): Certainly to become a fan favorite.
  15. ^^^^^Murf (PRO):
  16. ^^^^^Jankom Pog (PRO):
  17. ^^^^^Zero (PRO):
  18. ^^^^^Hologram Kathryn Janeway (PRO):
  19. Guinan (TNG): She was too big of a character on and off screen not to be immortalized as an ornament.
  20. Harry Mudd (DIS): Nobody is going to complain about having Harry Mudd hanging from their tree and between his small stint on Discovery and his episode of Short Treks Harry had some very memorable screen time.
  21. Geordi LaForge (TNG): A TNG fan fave that has been overlooked far too long.
  22. Hemmer (SNW): An Aenar played by a blind actor. I’m excited to see what is in store for us.
  23. Christine Chapel (TOS): It would be nice to get something fresh from TOS.
  24. Carol Freeman (LOW): Lower Deck’s upper deckers should come out as a four pack the year after the first four. Don’t overlook this captain.
  25. ^^^^^Jack Ransom (LOW):
  26. ^^^^^Shaxs (LOW):
  27. ^^^^^T’Ana (LOW): Ha! Yes, please.
  28. Philippa Georgiou (DIS): Big role, big impact. Unfortunately, she has left Discovery. Hopefully, she will get her own in the long rumored Star Trek: Section 31.
  29. Miles O’Brien (DS9): At least give us an O’Brien statue as seen on Lower Decks.
  30. Seven of Nine (PIC): An older, wiser, more travelled Seven.
  31. Spock (DIS/SNW): A new take on Spock deserves a new ornament.
  32. Nyota Uhura (SNW): A new take on a classic character. Crossing my fingers this character gets her due.
  33. Chakotay (VOY): Voyager’s second in command.
  34. Kira Nerys (DS9): Deep Space Nine’s second in command.
  35. Tom Paris (VOY/LOW): A plate ornament would be a delight.
  36. Deanna Troi (TNG/PIC): Presses button: ”Pain! I feel pain!”
  37. Paul Stamets (DIS): A Paul/Hugh ornament would be welcome
  38. Hugh Culber (DIS): See above.
  39. Jadzia Dax (DS9): This would have been popular back in the DS9 days and would likely still be today.
  40. Tuvok (VOY): Do I have to settle for Tuvix just to check two ornaments off the list.
  41. B’Elanna Torres (VOY): Her standing over the crib with the mobile made of Star Trek ornaments would be very meta.
  42. Garak (DS9): A crowd-pleasing peripheral character.
  43. Jean-Luc Picard (PIC): We have his voice on the La Sirena ornament of 2021. perhaps that is enough but an ornament from a scene of Stardust City Rag would be welcomed.
  44. Wesley Crusher (TNG): Sure, the beginning was a little rough but Wil Wheaton has been a fantastic Star Trek ambassador since.
  45. Jett Reno (DIS): Of course, a sound chip would be a must and any random Reno line.
  46. Morn: I would pay double for a sound chip that does nothing.
  47. Cleveland ”Book” Booker (DIS): A two pack of Booker and Grudge please.
  48. Ezri Dax (DS9): I think if I had a Jadzia ornament I’d need an Ezri to follow it up with.
  49. Cristobal “Chris” Rios (PIC): A lot of ”characters” to choose from.
  50. Tasha Yar (TNG): The closest we may ever get to a Tasha ornament were the Enterprise C ornaments from 2015 and 2017.
  51. Harry Kim (VOY): I am so preoccupied with whether they could, I haven’t stopped to think if they should.
  52. Rom (DS9): Not to lump them together but we need a Quark before we can hope for a Rom.
  53. Nog (DS9): Not to lump them together but we need a Rom before we can hope for a Nog. I’d love to see Nog in a Starfleet uniform.
  54. Beverly Crusher (TNG): After McCoy, the doctors of Trek get short shrift.
  55. Christine Chapel (SNW): Never got the original. Perhaps we will get the new version.
  56. Dahj and/or Soji Asha (PIC): Maybe in the form of Data’s painting.
  57. Adira Tal (DIS): They’re getting more screen time this season but i am still waiting for that breakout moment.
  58. M’Benga (SNW): Can’t wait to see this character get fleshed out
  59. Dukat (DS9): Please give us the Cardassian we deserve.
  60. Janice Rand (TOS): A great opportunity to revisit TOS with a fresh face. Nerds would love it.
  61. The Diviner (PRO): A second wave of Prodigy ornaments begins here…
  62. ^^^^^ Drednok (PRO): …and ends here.
  63. Julian Bashir (DS9): Just what the doctor ordered.
  64. Gray Tal (DIS): Not quite found his footing within the franchise yet.
  65. Hoshi Sato (ENT): A Mirror universe Hoshi would be cool.
  66. Elnor (PIC): Please hold while this list pauses due to boredom…
  67. Rafaella “Raffi” Musiker (PIC): …
  68. La’an Noonien-Singh (SNW): …
  69. Erica Ortegas (SNW)
  70. Travis Mayweather (ENT): …we appreciate your patience, we will be with you shortly…
  71. Malcolm Reed (ENT):
  72. Joann Owosekun (DIS): …
  73. Keyla Detmer (DIS): …
  74. Agnes Jurati (PIC): …thank you for holding…
  75. Data (PIC): A new Data ornament would require more plastic than he did when he was younger. If you get what I’m saying.
  76. Kes (VOY): If I had to have a Kes ornament in order to get a Neelix ornament I would pass on a Neelix ornament.
  77. Katherine Pulaski (TNG): No, thank you.

2022 Hallmark Storyteller Design Predictions

It is no surprise we will be getting the last two Star Trek Storytellers next year but what they will look like has yet to be seen. The Storytellers have been mostly screen accurate sculpts from the episode Mirror, Mirror. So it was time to delve back into the Mirror universe to get a glimpse of what 2022 may bring and after an episode rewatch, Scotty’s ornament design was still a little murky while McCoy’s was quite clear.

Scotty doesn’t have any iconic poses or props throughout the episode. We see him standing with his arms behind his back (upper right) and the one time he uses a communicator he doesn’t even hold it (bottom).

Scotty’s most memorable scene is him attempting to tap into the warp core to artificially recreate interdimensional contact with the prime universe. The chief engineer holding his “warp-core-breaching-dojiggy” (above) is a possibility but there will need to be some liberties taken with a pose other than him squeezed into a Jeffries tube. Most of the Star Trek Storytellers have been screen accurate but, as previously noted, Kirk’s pose had been ”fudged”.

McCoy’s ornament, on the other hand, is much clearer. The doctor’s most famous scene was immortalized in 2011 with the “Mirror, Mirror” mind-meld ornament which really just leaves us the sickbay scene in Act One.

Once they’re safely in sickbay, they can talk openly, with Kirk having been saluted endlessly in the corridors en route. McCoy is appalled at sickbay, as everything is all rearranged and messed up—but the spot on the table where he spilled acid has the exact same acid stain on it.

The combination of McCoy’s dialogue and him holding a glass beaker make this scene a shoe in for an ornament. My choice would be the image of him pointing to the acid stain on the table (third from left) but I have yet to be reached to by Hallmark for my opinion.

Ladies and gentleman, I present to you the 2022 Storyteller McCoy ornament (as far as I see it)…

Hallmark Star Trek Ornament Predictions for 2022

The 2020-21 Storyteller ornaments will be available in stores in July of ‘22 along with the Mirror McCoy (predicted for July) and Mirror Scotty (predicted for October). This means by October of 2022 there will be eight Star Trek ornaments available on store shelves.   With the abundance of Trek ornaments it is likely we won’t see any additional character or scene ornaments which makes our list of 2022 predictions a bit more abbreviated than years past.

 2022 Character Contenders

  • Mirror Mirror McCoy Likely July release.
    Odds: Sure thing!
  • Mirror Mirror Scotty Likely October release.
    Odds: Sure thing!
  • The Lower Decks characters in a stamped metal design could bring us Ensigns Mariner, Tendi, Boimler and Rutherford.
    Odds: 6:1
  • We have had two Tribbles so far and Hallmark could still continue the series.  It is a super cheap tweak to an existing ornament. Considering there are other Tribble color variations and the fact that it makes for a good generic Star Trek stocking stuffer, I‘m not sure we’ve seen the last of the hairy critters.
    Odds: 9:1
  • Captain Christopher Pike is already a staple in the Star Trek universe and his own series is currently filming. 2022 may be too soon for an ornament, look for it in 2023.
    Odds: 12:1
  • Captain Michael Burnham’s new rank and uniform for the upcoming season of Discovery would make a cool Keepsake.
    Odds: 15:1
  • In this divided world we could use a Let That Be Your Last Battlefield ornament more than ever.  What if Hallmark gave us a Lokai and Bele pairing as a convention release similar to the Arex and M’Ress in 2018?  Or how about a Bele release with a Lokai repaint the following year?
    Odds: 18:1

2022 Ship Contenders

  • A 30th anniversary edition of the famous Shuttlecraft Galileo ornament? That would be interesting.
    Odds: 5:1
  • The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-B.  How long will fans have to wait?  Star Trek Generations celebrates a 30th anniversary in 2024 but we’d still like it sooner.
    Odds: 6:1
  • Strange New World’s U.S.S. Enterprise seems to be a lock but not likely until 2023.
    Odds: 10:1
  • U.S.S. Discovery went through a retrofit and was recommissioned with the registry NCC-1031-A.   Will the ornament get recommissioned too?
    Odds: 25:1

2022 Scene Contenders

  • How about a Kirk ornament shouting “Khaaaaan!” when Star Trek II celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2022.  Even better, give it Magic Motion Sensors so it screams out at you when you walk by your tree.
    Odds: 4:1
  • A scene with Picard and Seven of Nine from Star Trek: Picard would give us two classic characters AND promote the current series.
    Odds: 10:1

2022 Star Trek Anniversaries

  • Star Trek: The Original Series – 1966
    56th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: The Animated Series – 1973
    49th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture – 1979
    43rd Anniversary
  • Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan – 1982
    40th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: The Search for Spock – 1984
    38th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: The Voyage Home – 1986
    36th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation – 1987
    35th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: The Final Frontier – 1989
    33rd Anniversary
  • Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country – 1991
    31st Anniversary
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – 1993
    29th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: Generations – 1994
    28th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: Voyager – 1995
    27th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: First Contact – 1996
    26th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: Insurrection – 1998
    24th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: Enterprise – 2001
    21st Anniversary
  • Star Trek: Nemesis – 2002
    20th Anniversary
  • Star Trek – 2009
    13th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: Into Darkness – 2013
    9th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: Beyond – 2016
    6th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: Discovery – 2017
    5th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: Short Treks – 2018
    4th Anniversary
  • Star Trek: Picard – 2020
    2nd Anniversary
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks – 2020
    2nd Anniversary

2021 Predictions

Winner: Mirror Spock, Odds:1:9 (2021)
Winner: Mirror Chekov, Odds: 2:1 (2021)
Winner: Second Tribble, Odds: 7:1 (2021)

2020 Predictions

2019 Predictions

Winner: Saru & Burham, Odds: 2:1 (2019)

2018 Predictions

Winner: U.S.S. Discovery, (2018)
Winner: Arex & M’Ress, (2018)

2017 Predictions

Winner: “The Naked Time”, Odds: 3:1 (2018)

Hallmark Star Trek Ornament Predictions for 2021

Update: See what made the 6th Annual Predictions.

Well, we meet again. This time to predict the 2021 Hallmark Star Trek ornament that will be announced in July. The Storyteller announcement for 2020 really through last year’s predictions for a loop. Fortunately, it should make the 2021 predictions much easier. First prediction…look for a Star Trek tree skirt coming in 2020. In 2019 Hallmark debuted tree skirts for Star Wars and Peanuts and I fully expect them to follow those up for the Trek universe.

If you would like to see our past predictions click below.

2021 Predictions

Winner: Tribble, Odds 7:1 (2020)

2020 Predictions

Winner: None

2019 Predictions

Winner: Saru & Burham, Odds: 2:1 (2019)

2018 Predictions

Winner: U.S.S. Discovery, (2018)
Winner: Arex & M’Ress, (2018)

2017 Predictions

Winner: “The Naked Time” Odds: 3:1 (2018)

 2021 Character Contenders

Mirror Mirror Spock is a slam dunk for 2021. I expect to see at least two Mirror Mirror ornaments next year and Spock is the front runner after Kirk’s release last year. Odds: 1:9

Mirror Mirror Scotty is a bigger draw than Chekhov so it is likely that pairing him up with Spock in the second year of Storytellers to keep the line rolling would make good business sense. Odds: 1:1

Mirror Mirror Chekov is my guess for 2022.  Chekov was the last to be released in the Legends series so it stands to reason he’ll get released at the end of the Storytellers run in 2022. Odds: 2:1.

Mirror Mirror McCoy will always be the third banana so it makes sense his ornament will come out in 2022, the third of a three year Storyteller release. Odds: 5:1

Lower Decks premiered in 2020 with Ensign Mariner, Ensign Tendi, Ensign Boimler and Ensign Rutherford. They will be cheap kid-friendly sculpts. Expect an announcement in 2021 for a 2022 release. Odds: 19:1


Spock returned to the Star Trek universe in Discovery and Hallmark could produce a scene with Michael Burnham. Odds: 28:1


Captain Philippa Georgiou is due to get her own Star Trek spinoff but 2021 is way too soon for her. Odds: 55:1


Captain Christopher Pike debuted in second season of Discovery with generally positive reactions. He is already a staple in the Star Trek universe and is a prime candidate. Odds: 14:1

Michael Burnham as the lead of the two year old series Discovery is portrayed in a 2019 scene ornament so the likelihood she’ll get a second in two years is not too likely unless it is with the new Spock. Odds: 23:1

2021 Ship Contenders

The Phoenix achieved light speed using warp drive when First Contact was released 25 years ago. Let’s celebrate! Odds: 22:1

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home celebrates its 35th anniversary in 2021. Could we get the Cetacean Probe that was in a quest for whale songs?  Odds: 85:1

The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-B has been mysteriously absent from the Hallmark lineup for years. I still believe it is a strong contender for a Event Exclusive ornament. It has a narrow fan base but will be sought after by the biggest of fans. Odds: 5:1


At some point we should expect Discovery’s design of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 to fill the Enterprise ornament slot. Odds: 7:1


Star Trek: Discovery’s other ship, U.S.S. Shenzhou may be another angle at promoting Star Trek’s latest series. Odds: 90:1


Is the V’Ger likely to show up next season? Odds: 174:1

2021 Scene Contenders

from the show of the same name, debuts this month (January 2020) and has also been picked up for a second season in 2021. A scene with Picard and Data or Riker or Troi or Hugh is a lock. Odds: 3:1

How cool would it be to see Zefram Cochrane meeting a Vulcan for Star Trek: First Contact’s 25th anniversary. Odds: 15:1 

The Talosians
from the highly praised second season episode of Discovery, If Memory Serves, is very likely to get a scene ornament. This would also be a great opportunity to include new Spock. Odds: 16:1

Nothing would be better than a Kirk ornament shouting “Khaaaaan!”. The Star Trek II scene has become a staple in the public lexicon. More likely for 2022 when Star Trek II celebrates its 40th. Odds: 35:1


Another year. Another Spock ornament. “Spock’s Brain” should please the fans. Odds: 20:1


America needs a “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield” ornamen. Odds: 14:1


“The Enemy Within” is screaming for an evil-Kirk ornament. Odds: 26:1


Hallmark was under fire this year when they banned a same sex kiss ad on their channel. They quickly reversed the decision but look for them to compensate with the famous interracial kiss from “Plato’s Stepchildren”. Odds: 8:1


A “Space Seed” ornament could revisit the popular Khan character that was first ornamentalized in 2005. Odds: 10:1


“Plato’s Stepchildren”
gave us many iconic scenes (Spock laughing) but everyone would love to ring in the holidays with Kirk and Spock dancing a little jig. Odds: 14:1


Kirk Death from the movie Star Trek: Generations is not very Christmasy but look no further than 2015’s “The Needs of the Many” ornament. Odds: 28:1


“The Corbomite Maneuver”
would be favorite among diehard fans but lost on the general public. Odds: 250:1

2021 Prop Contenders

This may be a bit of a surprise but don’t count out another Tribble to follow 2019’s Tribble  release.  It seemed to sell out online faster than the other 2019 releases and I expect it is very cheap to manufacturer.  Considering there are other color Tribbles and the fact that it makes for a good generic Star Trek stocking stuffer I don’t think we’ve seen the last of the hairy critters. Odds: 7:1


A three dimensional chess ornament? Check and mate! Odds: 7:1


Just sci-fi looking enough to possibly sneak in as a Christmas weapon ornament, the Phaser Rifle has a decent shot. Odds: 30:1


The Laser Pistol is more modern day sidearm than futuristic weapon. Odds: 40:1


Hallmark has given us the phaser, the communicator, the tricorder and even the transporter chamber, so what is left? Maybe a scene from the
Next Generation Holodeck. Odds: 32:1

2021 Star Trek Anniversaries

Star Trek: The Original Series – 1966
55th Anniversary

Star Trek: The Animated Series – 1973
48th Anniversary

Star Trek: The Motion Picture – 1979
42nd Anniversary

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan – 1982
39th Anniversary

Star Trek: The Search for Spock – 1984
37th Anniversary

Star Trek: The Voyage Home – 1986
35th Anniversary

Star Trek: The Next Generation – 1987
34th Anniversary

Star Trek: The Final Frontier – 1989
32nd Anniversary

Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country – 1991
30th Anniversary

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – 1993
28th Anniversary

Star Trek: Generations – 1994
27th Anniversary

Star Trek: Voyager – 1995
26th Anniversary

Star Trek: First Contact – 1996
25th Anniversary

Star Trek: Insurrection – 1998
23rd Anniversary

Star Trek: Enterprise – 2001
20th Anniversary

Star Trek: Nemesis – 2002
19th Anniversary

Star Trek – 2009
12th Anniversary

Star Trek: Into Darkness – 2013
18th Anniversary

Star Trek: Beyond – 2016
5th Anniversary

Star Trek: Discovery – 2017
4th Anniversary

Star Trek: Short Treks – 2018
3rd Anniversary

Star Trek: Picard – 2020
2020: 1st Anniversary

Star Trek: Lower Decks – 2020
1st Anniversary

Hallmark Star Trek Ornament Predictions for 2020

It is time again for our annual Star Trek Ornament predictions for 2020 which will be announced in the coming months.

If you would like to see our past predictions click below.

Third Annual Hallmark Star Trek Ornament Predictions (2019)

  • Saru & Burham Odds: 2:1 (2019)

2018 Predictions: Star Trek Anniversaries and Possible Ornaments

  • Arex & M’Ress (2018)
  • U.S.S. Discovery (2018)

2017 Predictions: Place Your Bets on the Next Hallmark Star Trek Ornament!

  • “The Naked Time” Odds: 3:1 (2018)


 2020 Character Contenders



Spock has returned to the Star Trek universe (a bit hairier) and Hallmark will pounce to capitalize on it.  Look for a scene with Michael Burnham. Odds: 2:1





Captain Philippa Georgiou is due to get her own Star Trek spinoff so it would only make sense to promote her. Odds: 3:1





Captain Christopher Pike debuted in second season of Discovery with generally positive reactions. He is already a staple in the Star Trek universe and is a prime candidate. Odds: 3:1



Michael Burnham as the lead of the two year old series Discovery is portrayed in a 2019 scene ornament so the likelihood she’ll get a second in two years is not too likely unless it is with the new Spock. Odds: 9:1




Unless Captain Gabriel Lorca has a role in Season Two, 2020 is too far away for him to show up. Odds: 75:1

2020 Ship Contenders



The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-B has been mysteriously absent from the Hallmark lineup for years. A strong contender for a Event Exclusive ornament. Odds: 5:1




Star Trek: Voyager celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2020.  There is a good chance we get a reissue of the U.S.S. Voyager in metal form.  The Voyager was first and last issued in 1996. Odds: 7:1



At some point we should expect Discovery’s design of the original U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 from the first season finale. Odds: 7:1



Star Trek: Discovery’s other ship, U.S.S. Shenzhou may be another angle at promoting Star Trek’s latest series. Odds: 22:1




Is the V’Ger likely to show up next season? Odds: 110:1


2020 Scene Contenders

Continue reading

2018 Predictions: Star Trek Anniversaries and Possible Ornaments

The 2017 Hallmark Star Trek Ornaments are here and San Diego Comic-Con is next week which means we may get 2018 ornament previews. For years SDCC was the platform for Hallmark to sneak preview the next year’s releases. In 2016, Hallmark did not preview Star Trek ornaments at SDCC because their booth was restricted to Star Wars products ending an annual July tradition. Well, this year Hallmark has two booths at the San Diego convention, one dedicated to Star Wars and another one for everything else. Will we get 2018 previews? We will know by mid next week.

Hallmark has celebrated Star Trek’s anniversaries over the years with commemorative ornaments. It began in 1991 with Hallmark’s very first Star Trek Ornament, the 25th Anniversary U.S.S. Enterprise.

The Enterprise was honored again 5 years later for the 30th Anniversary…

…and for the 40th…

…and the 50th…


The 50th actually brought a number of ornaments celebrating the golden anniversary and 2017 gave us a 30th Anniversary of The Next Generation.

It was just five years ago that we celebrated Next Generation’s 25th with their own salute to the Enterprise.

So what might we look forward to in 2018 as far as anniversaries? Star Trek: The Animated Series has never been recognized with an ornament and the cartoon celebrates its 45th Anniversary in 2018 which still makes it an unlikely candidate.  Here’s hoping for an ornament in 2023 for its 50th!

Deep Space Nine celebrates its 25th next year which makes it very likely for 2018. We already had a DS9 Space Station in 2001 so a future ornament would most likely resemble this year’s Picard/Data ornament. Any scene representing DS9 would hopefully include characters we haven’t seen yet like Odo and Quark.

Star Trek: Discovery premieres this fall, would a 2018 ornament be too soon? I expect CBS will do everything they can to promote the series which will have limited viewership due to its subscription based programming.

2018 Star Trek Anniversaries

Star Trek: The Original Series
52nd Anniversary

Star Trek: The Animated Series
45th Anniversary

Star Trek: The Motion Picture
39th Anniversary

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
36th Anniversary

Star Trek: The Search for Spock
34th Anniversary

Star Trek: The Voyage Home
32nd Anniversary

Star Trek: The Next Generation
31st Anniversary

Star Trek: The Final Frontier
29th Anniversary

Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country
27th Anniversary

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
25th Anniversary

Star Trek: Generations
24th Anniversary

Star Trek: Voyager
23rd Anniversary

Star Trek: First Contact
22nd Anniversary

Star Trek: Insurrection
20th Anniversary

Star Trek: Enterprise
17th Anniversary

Star Trek: Nemesis
16th Anniversary

Star Trek
9th Anniversary

Star Trek: Into Darkness
15th Anniversary

Star Trek: Beyond
2nd Anniversary

Star Trek: Discovery
1st Anniversary

2017 Predictions: Place Your Bets on the Next Hallmark Star Trek Ornament!

With Star Trek: Mission New York coming up this week it is expected we will see the 2017 Hallmark Star Trek ornament previews that were missing for the first time in years at Comic-Con in San Diego.  Due to a shared booth with LucasFilm Hallmark only revealed future Star Wars ornaments.

Since Comic-Con it has been revealed that the 2017 Star Trek ship ornament will be the U.S.S. Franklin from this summer’s Star Trek Beyond.  We still have not had an announcement of Hallmark’s Star Trek character or scene ornaments.  I fully expect we will see the rest of the 2017 lineup at Star Trek Mission New York coming up September 2-4 at the Javits Center.

It is likely that we will get the first of a Star Trek – The Next Generation Legends series since 2016’s Chekov was the last of TOS’s Legend series.  So look for a new Captain Picard hanging from your tree in 2017.

What Star Trek scene should we expect next year?  The answer is a little less clear. Assuming we will get a scene from The Original Series there are a few iconic scenes to choose from.  Here is my list of sixteen classics scenes and the odds that Hallmark reproduces them with an ornament.  Place your bets!

“Space Seed” 

Odds – 3:1



“Spock’s Brain”

Odds – 3:1



“The Naked Time”

Odds 3:1



“A Private Little War”

Odds – 5:1



“The Way to Eden”

Odds – 6:1



“Let That Be Your Last Battlefield”

Odds – 9:1



“Plato’s Stepchildren”

Odds – 9:1



“Who Mourns For Adonis?”

Odds – 11:1



“Spectre of the Gun”

Odds – 15:1



“The Enterprise Incident”

Odds – 24:1



“A Piece of the Action”

Odds – 35:1



“Journey to Babel”

Odds – 40:1



“The Savage Curtain”

Odds – 40:1

image image



Odds – 90:1



“The Corbomite Maneuver”

Odds – 250:1



“Patterns of Force”

Odds – 135,000:1
