Captain Pike Ornament Transcription

Uhura: We are cleared for warp, sir.

Ortegas: Course, Captain? What’s the mission?

Pike: Our mission? We explore. We seek out new life and new civilizations. We boldly go where no one has gone before.

Uhura: Cool…sir.

Pike: Let’s take her out, Lieutenant Ortegas. Warp factor two. Hit it.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
“Strange New Worlds” Season 1, Episode 1

What you hear is what you get. 🙂 I was happy to be allowed to pull voices from multiple characters for the audio storytelling despite only Captain Pike being represented in the ornament. I’m looking forward to doing that more.

-Kevin Dilmore

1 thought on “Captain Pike Ornament Transcription

  1. Kevin Dilmore

    What you hear is what you get. 🙂 I was happy to be allowed to pull voices from multiple characters for the audio storytelling despite only Captain Pike being represented in the ornament. I’m looking forward to doing that more.

    Liked by 1 person


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