Unification II Ornament Transcription

Spock: You have an efficient intellect, superior physical skills, no emotional impediments. There are Vulcans who aspire all their lives to achieve what you’ve been given by design.

Data: You are half human.

Spock: Yes.

Data: Yet you have chosen a Vulcan way of life.

Spock: I have.

Data: In effect, you have abandoned what I have sought all my life.

In this case, the transcript is not complete as the preview file contains only 23 seconds of the ornament’s 41-second audio performance. You’ll just have to be patient and hear the whole clip in stores. 🙂

-Kevin Dilmore

1 thought on “Unification II Ornament Transcription

  1. Kevin Dilmore

    In this case, the transcript is not complete as the preview file contains only 23 seconds of the ornament’s 41-second audio performance. You’ll just have to be patient and hear the whole clip in stores. 🙂



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