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  1. Kevin Dilmore

    Well, I tracked down the issue on the 2010 Flashback Friday post! I’ve learned that a technical error on our social posting platform caused us to miss the Sept. 29 posting for 2010. HOWEVER, I have permission to share with you the post that didn’t make it. (There are no plans to post this one out of order.

    Happy #Keepsake50th! Here’s another #FlashbackFriday: Who will you be under the mistletoe with this Christmas? Santa will undoubtedly be with Mrs. Claus at their Kissmas Cottage in Kringleville (after making his deliveries, of course). This first-in-series ornament was designed by beloved Keepsake Artist Ken Crow (retired). Ken added a special lever at the bottom you can move to see the couple smooching. Mwah!

    And I just discovered I can’t post the art! I’ll get it to you another way.



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